Saturday, August 1, 2015

Master the Tempest is Raging (Hymn #105) -- chorus only

Actions to teach the chorus:

The winds and the waves (make a big sideways figure eight with your hands)
shall obey thy will (ASL for obey)
Peace be still (ASL for peace)

Whether the wrath (make a claw with your hand like it's covering your face to look angry)
of the storm-tossed sea (ASL for ocean -- big waves moving away from you)
Or demons (left hand out to the side)
or men (right hand out to the other side)
or whatever it be (with hands already out, shrug your shoulders)

    [**Explain that whether it's a storm or a monster or a bad guy or anything else that may be frightening you, Jesus can help you feel peace.]

No waters can swallow (wag your finger "No" while shaking your head)
The ship where lies (make a boat with your hands cupped)
The Master of ocean (waves moving away from you)
and earth (palms down, hands flat out to show the ground)
and skies (arms up to the sky)

They all (arms outspread) shall sweetly
obey thy will (ASL for obey)
Peace be still (ASL for peace)
Peace be still (ASL for peace)
They all (arms outspread) shall sweetly
obey thy will (ASL for obey)
Peace, peace be still (ASL for peace)

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